The Flats and Hand Washing Challenge Begins Today!

Our family will officially begin the Flats and Handwashing Challenge organized by Kim at Dirty Diaper Laundry today, although we've been gearing up for the challenge by using our flats almost exclusively while at home.
If you haven't heard of the challenge, here's a little information from a previous post:
This challenge was started to raise awareness of the extremely frugal option of flat diapers. The hand washing aspect is to show that even families who do not own a washer and dryer can successfully cloth diaper their babies for very little upfront cost.

We are participating in this challenge so that we can help spread the word about how inexpensive cloth diapering can be, even for those who do not own a washer and dryer.
Remember, during this challenge we will be reviewing products from our three wondeful sponsors. Each of these sponsors will also be offering items for giveaways so make sure you stop back by and enter for your chance to win!
Our three sponsors for the Flats and Hand Washing Challenge are Baby Belle BottomsSwaddlebees and Baby Bunz & Co. Please, take a few minutes to check out their websites for great cloth diaper and natural living products.

Baby Belle Bottoms
  Baby Bunz & Co

Visit Dirty Diaper Laundry to see who else is taking the Flats & Handwashing Challenge. This challenge runs this entire week so be sure to check back in to read about our experiences with using flats and hand washing.
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Tim, Allyson and kids