Menu Plan Monday ~ May 16th

This past week we managed to use up most of our leftovers and significantly cleaned out the fridge. We'll be traveling back to our hometown this week for my "little" brother's wedding next Saturday.

So, while we won't be cooking much this week, I have been preparing some meals to freeze and take with us since the whole family will be involved with wedding preparations this week.

This Week's Menu

Tossed Salad topped with (leftover) Grilled Chicken

Stopping at my older brother's house to spend the night.

We made and froze a batch of Toasted Pecan Waffles for breakfast on Wednesday. (Just a classic waffle recipe, but simply sprinkle chopped pecans on the griddle before pouring the batter in. I made these a little less crispy than normal and hope they'll toast up nicely in the toaster.)

Taco Salad at my parent's home

Made and froze a batch of 16 Egg, Sausage & Cheese Breakfast Burritos for quick, easy and low clean up breakfasts for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. We flash froze then wrapped them individually in foil. We'll be thawing these in the fridge the night before then baking them (still wrapped in foil) at 350°F for 10 minutes.

Made and froze (uncooked) a triple batch of Baked Creamy Chicken Taquitos to eat with my extended family.
Serve with Creamy Lime-Cilantro Dressing and Sour Cream
Tossed salad

Rehearsal Dinner
Tossed Salad

Wedding reception

Probably leftovers since we'll all be exhausted.

Sharing alongside hundreds of other meal plans at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

What are you cooking this week? I'd love some new recipe links!
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  1. ooo so much of that sounds so wonderful!! I love the idea of making breakfast burritos and freezing them for future use!

  2. Maybe we'll run into you somewhere this week. ;-)

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Tim, Allyson and kids