Good Reads ~ June 25th

May all your wanderings be blessed!

:: Jen @ Yard Sale Mommy has a great post on How to Plan Your Yard Sale Trip. Once we get our housing situation figured out I can't wait to start hitting some yard sales.

:: Do I rejoice in the role that God has given me in my home? Stephanie from Keeper of the Home addresses this question in her wonderful post, I Wasn't Trained to Be a Mom (But I Can Still Love It).

:: Looking to keep the kids cool this summer? Check out Tammy's awesome DIY PVC Sprinkler Project. Check out some more great ideas on my Outdoor Fun Pinterest board! See all my Pinterest boards here. Follow to keep up with all the great ideas I find online.

:: I'm awful at keeping up with extended family member's birthdays, so this Birthday Calendar Rolodex by Mary R has definitely been added to my Home Organization board and my list of thing to make, although I'm sure mine won't be quite as elaborate.

Have you stumbled upon any good reads recently? Please, share you links in the comments.

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Tim, Allyson and kids