Menu Plan Monday ~ June 6th

This summer, while Tim works during the day and is in class from 6-10 PM Monday through Friday, he has graciously suggested having a simple main dish salad for dinner every night.

Oh, how easy and healthy and uncomplicated. Oh, how much I love this man!

So, every night that Tim is home for dinner (Monday - Friday) we are having a huge green salad topped with some type of protein.

For the salads calling for chicken, I simply chop an entire package of chicken tenderloins and divide the cubed chicken into 3-4 containers. I then pour a little homemade marinade or store bought salad dressing into each container and place them in the fridge (or freezer if I do them more than a few days before we'll use them).

I cook the chicken on the stove top, since neither Tim or I have time to grill right now.

This Week's Menu

Tossed Salad topped with Sesame Ginger Chicken, mandarin oranges and chow mein noodles

Tossed Salad topped with Creamy Poppyseed Chicken and sliced strawberries

Tossed Salad topped with Tropical Lime Chicken, sliced strawberries, mango and avocado

Baked Creamy Chicken Taquitos (because I'm making a batch to take to neighbors who just brought home a new baby)
Serve with Creamy Lime-Cilantro Dressing and Sour Cream
Tossed Salad

Taco Salad 

Tim's working.
Annie's Macaroni and Cheese (bought on sale last week)
Baby carrots (and a small salad for me)

Tim's working.

Sharing alongside hundreds of other meal plans at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

What are you cooking this week? I'd love some new recipe links and simple salad ideas!
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Tim, Allyson and kids