Blueberry Picking

Tim was off a couple of Mondays ago and we took the opportunity to make a family outing to a local organic blueberry farm. I hadn't been blueberry picking since I was pregnant with Emahry and it was a first time experience for the rest of the family. 

Emahry and Jonathan each had their own bucket to fill and did fairly well at getting most of the blueberries into their buckets instead of their mouths. Eliya on the other hand, ate every single blueberry she touched.

Have you done any berry picking this summer? Any tips for keeping the kids from sampling every berry?
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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. There is no question as to where Eliya got her berry picking (aka, eating) habbits now is there. Hehe! Meme will never live that down ;)


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Tim, Allyson and kids