Good Reads ~ July 15th

May all your wanderings be blessed!

:: Check out this awesome idea of a Crate Seat by Megan @The Boutons. We "bought" a few of these crates last fall when Office Max had them as a free after rebate item. I use one for actual files, but I might need to make the other two into some additional storage/seating for the kiddos. They also link together on the sides so a whole little crate seat bench might be in order if I can get any more for free this back-to-school season.

:: If you have a yard with a strong tree, please make one of these adorable chair swings. I doubt they'd appreciate it at the townhouse we're moving to, but I'm definitely keeping this on my Garden & Yard Ideas Pinterest Board.

:: These Tube Cubbies @FamilyFun are a great way to display and store toy cars!

:: I'm so blessed to know the joy of my husband's love. This post by Ann @A Holy Experience sums it up beautifully..."And now I wonder if there never is one singular moment enflamed with the most love, but it’s when you live the daily faithfulness of making whole decades of minutes tell the truth about the glorious gospel."

I also was greatly encouraged by Kristin's post on Homeschooling with a Baby...and Maybe a Toddler, too. When school begins for us in late August or early September Emahry will be 4, Jonathan almost 3, Eliya 18 months and the new baby will be just a few weeks old. I'll definitely be needing lots of grace!

"The cause of most of man's unhappiness is sacrificing what he wants most for what he wants now." 
~ Gordan B. Hinckley

Linked to Saturday Stumbles @ Simply Staci.

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Tim, Allyson and kids