Moving Changes

Just stopping in for a quick moving update. 

In the past two days our moving plans have changed somewhat dramatically. We are still moving, but instead of moving 5 miles down the road at the end of next week we are moving back to Maryland (our home state) tomorrow. 

Yes, I just said tomorrow!

Please, keep our family in your prayers as we strive to finish packing with calm spirits. Also, please pray that our newest addition will hold off joining us officially for a little while longer, especially since I'll be driving with the other three kiddos in the van by myself.

Thank you so much!

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  1. You are so brave! Since you'll be back in MD we should visit this fall once you're all settled with the move and new addition.

  2. Wow! Are you moving back to this area in MD? If so, we need to get together for sure!

  3. Eastern Shore, MD?!? Do post another update with the story, please!


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Tim, Allyson and kids