A Quick Update

Thursday, August 25th 
We were blessed to welcome our newest little girl, Amelia Beth, into our family. (Much more on this to come.)

Friday, August 26th 
We were told that our street (near a major river) would have to evacuate because of Hurricane Irene. 
Amelia and I were discharged early in order to beat the storm.

Saturday, August 27th
We spent the entire day and night with some wonderful friends who generously opened their home to our now family of 6.

Sunday, August 28th
We are officially back home, with absolutely no damage from the hurricane. God is good!

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  1. Tee Hee..I think you are more stressed than you know...it is August..sweetie not September. That could be important info for the little ones birthday next year....lol


    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  2. Cindy,

    Wow, I can't believe I skipped a whole month :)

  3. I was wondering if you would have to evacuate and I was praying for you, wondering if you had even had a chance to go home from the hospital. (I had heard of the birth on Facebook!) So happy you and your family (and your home!) are safe. Looking forward to seeing you.

  4. Oh wow - what a weekend! Congratulations!

  5. She is so beautiful! Congrats!! And I am happy Irene didn't do any damage:)

  6. Wow Allyson, what a weekend!! I was praying for you and the family. I can't wait to hear from you!

  7. Congratulations, Allyson! She's beautiful! So glad you guys were able to beat the storm and that you didn't have any damage.

  8. Yay! Congrats from the Hayes family!

    A. wants to know if Amelia has blue eyes. She also misses her friend Emahry, and has started calling one of her dolls Eliya.

    Love to all! We miss you guys! :)

  9. Congratulations! What a beautiful story of God's provision and perfect timing. ps: need to add the baby's name to your comment section signature :)

  10. I'm glad that you and your family are well. Relieved to know that it wasn't a bad one.

    Have a lovely day!



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Tim, Allyson and kids