A Beautiful New Baby Quilt

This past week we received this gorgeous quilt from my aunt. She has lovingly made each of our four children a quilt when they were born. 

That means she's made four baby quilt in the last four and a half years, and that's just for our family alone. 

I'm so glad she's shared her special talent with us. I'm sure if I was left to myself to make a keepsake quilt for every child I'd have them finished...well, maybe never.

Do you make or purchase special keepsake items for each of your children? If so, what?
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  1. That quilt may be the most beautiful one yet! Aunt Linda does such great work :))

  2. You are blessed to have such a lovely hand made gift! It will be a family keepsake. Aunt Linda is an artist!


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Tim, Allyson and kids