Just Try to Resist the Cuteness

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  1. So glad to see some of the new pictures! :)) I posted the third one on my facebook wall since everyone at Johnson has been asking about you guys! I keep finding myself looking at it - she's just to precious! I can't WAIT to meet her!

  2. Aw, look at all that hair! Adorable!


  3. ohmigoodness!!! So sweet! We have a 6 month old and I'm not really itching to have my third like *right now*, but I want another. And my husband isn't on board yet. I see these pictures and I know that I am just NOT done yet!!! Soooooo cute! :)

  4. there is no resisting that sweet face! she is precious!

    Thanks for linking up to my Wordless Wednesday Linky!


  5. awww i miss my little ones when they were this big :(

    Following Via the Wordless Wednesday hop.

  6. Love your blog! :) I am a new follower! :) Erin



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Tim, Allyson and kids