31 Days of...Reading

During the month of October, dozens of bloggers are accepting the challenge to post on one topic for 31 days straight. No I will not be joining in...I did actually think about it for about 0.32 seconds, but I thought the family would rather have food, clean underwear and a somewhat not stressed out wife and mama. Maybe next year.

I will, however, be following along with several of the 31 Days series. As I find them, I'll be posting their links here. Just click the buttons below to visit.

  31 days of Photo Tips 2011Photobucket

Please, leave me a link if you find a great 31 Days series that you think I'd enjoy.

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  1. http://impressyourkids.org/31-days-to-impress-your-kids/

    This is going to be a good one - the basics of impressing God's Word on your kids!!!

  2. I can't wait to follow along and read many of these as well. Looks like a lot of good reading ahead this month.

    I'm shining the spotlight on you today at Frugal & Focused. Thanks for following via GFC.

    Stop by and check it out and link your favorite blog post from the week if you'd like as well.


  3. I am doing 31 days to remember, which is 31 days of pictures of my son as he turns 6.



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Tim, Allyson and kids