Endless Gifts

# 348. Leaves, lots and lots of leaves.

#349. Sweet moments between siblings.

#350. A visit with my sister.

#351. Yummy homemade chocolate chips.

#352. Healthy chocolate chip cookies that were really yummy even if they didn't look so pretty.

#353. A unexpected and much welcomed Sunday off for Tim.

#354. Compliments while grocery shopping with little ones.

#355. Our first little wannabe thumb sucker. (I have mixed feelings on this development, but she sure looks cute.)

What are you thankful for today? 
(And any thoughts on thumb sucking?)

holy experience

Will Also be Contributed To: Gratituesday, intentional gratitude Works for Me!, Things I Love Thursday, Finer Things Friday

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  1. Such beautiful children! Visiting from Ann's today. Enjoyed your list:)

  2. Thank you for your delightful illustrated list. A pleasure to read and enjoy.

  3. Well, I've never had a thumb sucker, but I never thought it would be a bad thing either. I guess it can be hard on teeth and a hard habit to break, but it is a natural soother, so why not?! :-)

  4. Leaves ARE so much fun, and I've always thought that the yummiest goodies are never the prettiest. ;)

  5. I absolutely love the picture with the kids - it was such a blessing to spend time with you over break!


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Tim, Allyson and kids