Good Reads ~ November 5th

May all your wanderings be blessed!

:: I've been a little short on reading time this week, but I loved Tsh post on preparing for Christmas, read Plan Your Peaceful Christmas: Task 1(We're creating a printable to share to help focus our minds on Jesus. It should be ready next week.)

Some of This Week's Favorite Pins:
(Are you following us on Pinterest? Need an invitation? Leave a comment with your email address and we'll send you an invite.)

:: I love this list of 50 questions to Ask your Spouse on a Date Night.

:: I can't wait to do this Snowflake Painting with Pine Needles with the kids. (Check out the other winter ideas we've pinned.)

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:: The thought of being able to iron fabric to the wall makes me just a little bit giddy! (And it's removable!!)
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:: And I have to share this because it just made me laugh!
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Have you come across any good reads this week? We'd love for you to leave a link in our comments section.
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Tim, Allyson and kids