The Christmas Thingamajig

The Christmas Thingamajig is a book that managed to make it into our book pile as I quickly glanced at a library display. I had never heard of this book, but the beautifully painted illustrations drew my attention. I was also looking for a book with a little more meat as we had already chosen quite a few shorter picture books.

On Sunday morning, I corralled the little ones down the stairs to allow Tim another hour or so of sleep. Emahry and Jonathan climbed onto the couch and asked for a Christmas story. I knew we had a little more time to sit and enjoy a longer story so I grabbed The Christmas Thingamajig from our library bin and cuddled in between them.

The story is about a little girl, named Chloe, who has recently lost her grandmother. Chloe doesn't want to keep the family's usual Christmas traditions because they remind her too much of her Grandma and how Christmas will never be the same.

Chloe's grandfather is also feeling the pain of his loss at the first Christmas without his wife. He however helps Chloe see that traditions are important because they help you "face the new things."

This book is a mix of bittersweet as it reminds us of loss but also encourages us to take joy in new traditions. I think this would be a wonderful story for any family who has experienced a loss, but please read through it first and decide whether you think your children are ready to discuss the feeling it will bring up.

Just to let you know, I had to hold back tears while reading the last few pages of this story. Tim's Grand-dad suffered a stroke this past August, the same day Amelia was born, he died several days later and I'm sure Grandma is finding it difficult to "face the new things" this Christmas.

Be sure to check out all of our Christmas book recommendations and stop back by for more reviews as we make our way through our stack of new books.

Other Christmas Book Reviews:
Mortimer's Christmas Manger
What are some of your favorite Christmas books for children?
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Tim, Allyson and kids