Finished Friday: Knitted T-Shirt Yarn Trivets

I'm trying to hold myself accountable to finish some of the projects on my to do list by posting each Friday about a project I've completed. For the most part these projects aren't part of my daily or weekly household chores, although some weeks finishing those items is a challenge all in its own.
Okay, I'm completely addicted to t-shirt yarn! Seriously this stuff is so fun!

Over the past couple of weeks I've been cranking out these super easy knitted trivets (hot pads).

I love this project because it is extremely practical, everyone uses these right? I also love how quick they are. I made two a few nights ago when Tim and I were talking before bed! I can even finish one while sitting with the kiddos at night until they fall asleep. They are also very portable, so if you're stuck waiting at the doctor's office you can stash one of these in your bag to work on while you wait. And since they're made from old t-shirts, they're a really frugal gift.
They also make nice hats apparently.
 So, just about everyone on our Christmas list will be receiving one of these little guys. I hope they like them!

For you knitters out there, here's some more details:
:: this tutorial to make the t-shirt yarn (cut my strips 1 inch wide)
:: wound "yarn" into a ball
:: size 13 needles (huge)
:: cast on 16-19 stitches, depending on the size of the shirt I used to
    make sure I'd be able to get a square trivet (example = men's
    small 16, men's XL 19)
:: regular old knit stitch until the trivet is square then bind off and
   weave in the ends of the "yarn"

Note: These should not be used to grab things out of the oven, but they work great for keeping hot containers off of the table/counters/etc.

linking to Delicately Constructed, Frugal Friday
Are you giving any handmade Christmas gifts this year? If so, have you finished them?
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1 comment:

  1. I wonder if you can use a Knifty Knitter for this project?


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Tim, Allyson and kids