Simplify Your Life: One Bite at a Time {20% Off & Giveaway}

With the new year comes a lot of reflection on the old one -- what you did well, what you'd like to improve, and where you want to be this time next year.

For our family, New Year's resolutions typically revolve around simplifying our very filled lives. We have a lot of goals for our family, most of which are only possible when we take time to focus on them and keep ourselves clear of the busyness that can so easily sweep us up in its hectic flow.

Tsh, founder of has put together a wonderful resource to help you simplify your life in easy manageable steps.

One Bite at a Time: 52 Projects for Making Life Simpler is an eBook filled with secrets, tips, and great advice to help you move towards intentional simplicity.

This eBook is filled with projects in the following 8 categories: Green Living, Living Well, Money Management, Organizing Your Mind, Organizing Your Space, Relationships, Taking Care of Yourself, and Time Management.

Tsh tackles 52 projects in an easy step-by-step format. You can do them in any order, at your own pace, and customize them to fit your needs. In One Bite at a Time, Tsh addresses topics such as getting more sleep, creating a daily to-do list, carving out intentional down time, decluttering your wardrobe, downsizing your children's toys, meal planning, and much, much more.

Get a 20% Discount:
Right now you can instantly download One Bite at a Time at a 20% discount for only $4.00 using the code HAPPYNEWYEAR. This discount is valid through January 10, 2012, regular price is $5. If you're looking for some help in simplifying your life, One Bite at a Time is perfect for you.

You can also find great reviews, a list of all 52 projects and even a free chapter to read here.

Also, be sure to check out in 2012 as Jeannett Gibson of Life Rearranged offers a monthly dose of camaraderie and accountability as she works through various projects from the eBook. Readers will also be invited to link to their own blog with project results. I can't wait to see how other's implement Tsh's ideas.

Remember, the 20% discount is only available through January 10th, so take just a few minutes and download One Bite at a Time today!

We're excited to be able to offer one of our readers a free download of One Bite at a Time to help you jump start your intentionally simpler life! (Open worldwide.)

You can get two entries into this giveaway:

1. Mandatory ~ Leave a comment telling us why you'd like to win a free download of Tsh's eBook. Make sure you include your email address so we can contact you if you win!

2. For an additional entry, subscribe to our blog via email. (Leave another comment telling us you've done this.)

This giveaway will close January 8th, 2012 at 11:59PM EST. The winner will be contacted via email and will need to reply within 48 hours or another winner will be chosen.

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  1. Simplifying sounds great, I'd love to try these 52 steps.

  2. I'm looking at the piles in my home and thinking that I could benefit from this book! I've never been a good organizer and could certainly use help in these categories.

  3. Oh How I need this.. With my busy bunch Simplify sounds like the most beautiful music in the world! :)

  4. I have had my eye on this book for a while now. Would love the help in getting organized.

  5. I would love to win. I could use some wisdom on how simplify my life and slow down.


  6. Simplicity is close to my heart!

  7. I need all the help I can get to de-clutter my mind and space.

  8. I'm working hard on simplfying my life after a year "off" with a busy overwhelmed life. This sounds just like the perfect tool to help me. Thanks for the giveaway!

    islandregencygirl AT yahoo DOT co DOT uk

  9. Gotta read this book... as I nod off at my desk... Have to read the section on sleep!!!

  10. Two reasons: just got a new kindle and a new baby (number 3). Also a pastor's wife. In need of simplifying!

  11. We keep our lives very simple, but even so, I always feel the need to simplify more! I'd love a copy of this book.

  12. I would love to learn some tips on simplifying. Sounds like a perfect read for the new year.

    erinb1 at aol dot com

  13. my resolution for 2012 is to simplify my life and downsize as much as possible

    catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

  14. i subscribe to your blog via email

    catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

  15. I read Organized Simplicity and I really like Tsh's writing style. I love to tackle these one bite at a time!

  16. Tsh's book would do so much good to us right now. My husband and I just moved into a friend's old house (1950s building, complete with original windows and wood paneling still intact) with the agreement that we will fix things up while renting at a reduced rate. I also actually just resigned from my full-time court clerk job to concentrate on the house and learn how to become a household (even taking up cooking is plan!). I admit I need help. I don't even know how to do meal plans yet! This book would arm me with Tsh's common sense. I dearly hope it'll help me get things begun on the right foot. = )

  17. Tsh's book would do so much good to us right now. My husband and I just moved into a friend's old house (1950s building, complete with original windows and wood paneling still intact) with the agreement that we will fix things up while renting at a reduced rate. I also actually just resigned from my full-time court clerk job to concentrate on the house and learn how to become a household (even taking up cooking is plan!). I admit I need help. I don't even know how to do meal plans yet! This book would arm me with Tsh's common sense. I dearly hope it'll help me get things begun on the right foot. = )

  18. Tsh's book is broken down into "bite-size" portions that make organization do-able. I'm overwhelmed at all the organizing that needs to be done in my life - in all areas. I bought Organized Simplicity but it is a BIG project, so I think her ebook would give me the kick-start I need in 2012. Thanks for the opportunity!

  19. I just subscribed to your blog:)

  20. Would love to have some help simplifying my life.

  21. I need help so badly! My family moved into a smaller house a year ago with the hopes that I could more easily handle the household duties --I have a heart condition that makes it difficult for me (I'm only 40 with 3 kids under the age of 8). I still have half of the boxes to unpack, I have baskets of laundry (some clean-some dirty) all over the house, there are piles of paper everywhere, and sometimes I feel like I'm going to drown in my mess of a house! Please help me get organized!

  22. I could use so much help! I dislike cleaning too, but when things get messy, then the organized part goes down the drain too. I have to somehow do it all!

    thedealscoop @ yahoo . com

  23. I definitely need to simplify! Would love to read this!

  24. I need lots of help when it comes to getting my home organized. This e-book might be the inspiration I am looking for.

  25. I am an e-mail subscriber.

  26. This sounds like such a good read! I would *love* to win a free download! I need all the help I can get :)

    katfarmime AT yahoo DOT com

  27. I love the idea of 52 simple steps.

    beautymcqueen at yahoo DOT com

  28. I love the idea of tackling a project a week - very doable!

    goldfuss1 [at] frontier [dot] com

  29. I just subscribed to your blog via email.

    goldfuss1 [at] frontier [dot] com

  30. I'm working towards simplifying my life more and I think tis book would be very helpful!! :)

  31. I totally need this I always complicate things!

  32. I want to make a fresh start with living simply when I am back home after healing with a broken foot.
    Melissa Nassraway

  33. I would love to read this book--I need to simplify/streamline.

  34. I would love to read this book. I need someone to break things down and show me how to be more efficient and organized. Baby steps would be encouraging.

  35. Oh, winning this book would be wonderful. I just moved out on my own for the first time and boy is it overwhelming. This book would be a true blessing.

  36. Hi, I would love to win a copy to get a jumpstart on this year's goals & resolutions.

  37. I just subscribed to the blog also.

  38. My husband and I are trying to complete goals around our home, with our finances and in our personal lives this year. They way this book is broken down would be great for us.

  39. Thank you for the giveaway! I am trying to learn how to be a stay at home mom and organize my life now. It is definitely a learning curve.

  40. After reading Tsh's book "Organized Simplicity," I was inspired to make some major changes in my home & my life. I am thrilled with the progress I'm making so far, but I would LOVE to read her ebook for even more new ideas. She is a fabulous writer with wonderful ideas!!!

  41. I'm very interested in this book, because we've been doing serious organizing these past few weeks & I desire to keep it going, it feels awesome. :) I get easily sidetracked, so any help is good! Creedamy at yahoo dot com

  42. I would love to win this ebook to help organize my family. I need to for my own sanity, lol.

  43. I'd love to win a copy of this book...because I love routine and organization but it's so hard to start!
    Melissa (

  44. I need this book because I'm really good at starting things, but really lousy at finshing them.

    Thanks for the opportunity!

    Julie -

  45. I really need this book as this is my year to make things happen, this would be a good way to jump start the process.

  46. I just became a stay-at-home mom of a 2 year old...and I'm beginning to homeschool/tot school her this coming week! This would really help me get organized & learn how to make all of this change easier!

  47. I just subscribed to your blog.

  48. I would love to win because I love Tsh and all her great ideas!

  49. I'm reading her hard cover book now and love it. I also planned to focus on intentionality in 2012! Good luck to us both.


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Tim, Allyson and kids