2012 Weekly Blogging Schedule

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(found via Pinterest)
One of my goals for the coming year is to grow our blog and to enjoy doing it.

I know one of the ways to do this is to make sure I'm not stressed out about getting posts done on time. In order to help myself plan ahead, I'm going to implement a skeleton schedule that will be the same every week. There will also be lots of other posts published, but this will be my bare bones blogging schedule.

Our blog will continue to be relatively quiet on Sundays, but be sure to check out our Weekend Links if you're in need of encouragement or inspiration.

Endless Gifts ~ Stop by to see how I'm doing with my gratitude journal as I count the endless gifts from His hands. I'm taking the Joy Dare to count 1000 gifts in 2012! If you list gifts on your blog, we'd love for you to leave your link in the comments section of these posts.

The first and third Tuesday of every month will be devoted to Tri-Moms. Kristin, Christy and I will continue to address topics that are relevant to our roles as wives, moms, and homemakers. Topics for January and February include: The Winter Blahs, Frugal Date Ideas, and Romancing Your Husband.

Book Nook ~ Join us for a little book nook inspiration as we share our favorite books from the previous week. Please, chime in with your recent favorites or link to your own lists in the comments.

Finished Friday ~ I'll continue posting a finished project each week to keep myself accountable to actually doing some of the projects I've wanted to try. We're contemplating adding a linky so that you can link up your finished projects as well. 

Weekend Links ~ Here you'll find some of my favorite articles and blog posts from the previous week as well as some of my favorite projects, ideas, and inspiration. Be sure to leave your favorite links of the week in our comments section.
Which weekly features are your favorites?
Would you join in on Finished Fridays if we added a linky?
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Thanks for visiting and we hope you'll be back often! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  1. I love your weekend links. It's fun to read the articles that other people find and that I would have missed otherwise. :-)

  2. I think that a Finished Friday linky is a great idea! I'd definitely join in when I could!

  3. I really like your blogging schedule! That is a really great idea! I also love your Finished Fridays and would definitely join your linky as often as I could. It would be great motivation! Especially for all the neat Pinterest ideas I find, haha!

    The Little Hedgehog

  4. I like the idea of a skeleton for planning...I'm trying to decide on mine for the week as a new blogger. As I am a new blogger, I would love to see posts about blogging tips...I know you have 3 but I'm a Christian blogger new to this world and tips are wonderful. Love the peaceful tone to your site. Considering joining your linky for a book nook-love it!


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Tim, Allyson and kids