Finished Friday: Barrettes Galore {with Linky!}

With three little girls in our home, we have our fair share of hair accessories. But when I followed Kristin's link to these adorable felt heart hair clips I knew that I would be making a few in the near future.

When I found the exact clips I needed when putting some craft supplies away later the same day I went ahead and added making barrettes to my "if I get to them today" list.

While I had the supplies out I decided to try out a set of embroidery thread hair clips, too.

Then, since I was on a roll, I thought I might as well break out the glue gun and make a few ribbon covered alligator clips, too. Looks good with the firefighter dress-up coat, doesn't it?
Talk about crafting ADD!
I'm trying to hold myself accountable to finish some of the projects on my to do list by posting each Friday about a project I've completed.
Would you like to join in? Link up to your own projects below.
1. Link to your project post, not your blog's home page, so we can find it easily.

2. Let us know what project you are sharing in your title, for example: Spring Wreath 

3. We'd love it if your post links back here so that your readers can come join the fun. Feel free to copy & paste our Finished Friday Button into your post. (Just copy the text in the box below the button, click on the "Edit HTML" tab for your post and paste it there.)
A Heart for Home

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1 comment:

  1. I love all of your cute clips! My favorite has to be the felt heart with embroidery stitch. Darling! Thanks so much for linkng up to my "All Things Wonderful Link Party" and I hope that you will come back again this week. I love your idea of finish your projects Friday. My "project to do list" is never ending. Now that I have a love for Pinterest is seems to keep growing. I would love to participate in your link party. So when I finish my next project I will be back.
    Take care,


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Tim, Allyson and kids