Weekend Links ~ January 14th, 2012

May all your wanderings be blessed!

:: Beware of These Marriage Killers @ Simple Mom

:: Trying to Eat Better? Ask Yourself This Important Question @ The Happiness Project

:: Resolve NOT To @ Simple Mom

and when you have a nice chunk of time to devote to reading be sure to check out the next three posts (don't just stop at the first one, please).

:: Don't Carpe Diem @ Momastery followed by

:: Parenting Beyond Kairos @ Mama Smiles and

::On "Carpe Diem", motherhood, Chronis and Kairos time, and the old lady at the store @ The Happiest Mom

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:: This black out poetry looks like a lot of fun. (So sorry I can't find the original source.)

:: These cookies have been added to my For Tim board. He is going to LOVE them!
:: I can't wait to add this quote to our home.

linking up at Simply Staci's Saturday Stumbles
Have you come across any good reads or great ideas this week? We'd love for you to leave a link in our comments section.
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  1. I'm reading through the Happiness Project right now (almost finished) so that was an interesting food article by Gretchen. That poetry is really neat, too!

  2. Loved the "resolve NOT to" article! I need to be more mindful like that. Thanks for linking up!


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Tim, Allyson and kids