Finished Friday: Storing Winter Gear {join the fun & link up your projects, too}

With four little ones to bundle up every time we want to venture out into the cold our home seems to be littered with hats, scarves, and other cold weather gear.

Up until now our organizing "solution" had been shoving all of the warm accessories into a large tote bag in the coat closet. Then it actually got cold and we started using all of those hats, mittens, gloves, and scarves. The once "organized" tote bag was often left empty while the closet was left holding a mountain of thrown off gear.

Then I saw this idea on Pinterest. I loved the idea, but dismissed it for right now because our coat closet has bi-fold doors. But as I kept looking for a solution, this idea kept coming back to mind.

I finally decided to try out an old shoe organizer that was packed away in the closet. But instead of hanging it inside the closet door I looked for another door that could be used. Our townhouse only has two normal doors downstairs, one is to the small bathroom, the other is to the nook under the stairs where the water heater and such are located. Right now we're trying out the bathroom door first. So far we love it!

Today's Questions: How do you organize all of the extra gear that is needed in the winter? Do you think an over-the-door organizer would work for you?

Check out the rest of the ideas I've pinned to my Home Organization Board.
I'm trying to hold myself accountable to finish some of the projects on my to do list by posting each Friday about a project I've completed.
Would you like to join in? Link up to your own projects below.
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2. Let us know what project you are sharing in your title, for example: Spring Wreath 

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A Heart for Home

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1 comment:

  1. Our winter gear is stored in a rubbermaid box in our laundry room. Because the kids are older now, I was able to institute the rule that when you take off your gloves, they must go into your hat before you put them away. It's working so far. I only have to keep track of the little ones' things (though Benjamin has done well with the system most of the time, too).


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Tim, Allyson and kids