Tri-Moms: Romancing Your Husband

Let’s just say it…married life can be tough. It’s easy to forget about romance when you’re up at all hours with babies and small children or when jobs are demanding or the budget is tight.
But, other than your relationship with God, your relationship with your husband is the most important one of your life. Nurture it.
the grass is greenersource: Money Saving Mom via me on Pinterest
If you allow life to crowd out time for your husband, one day you may find that you are living with a complete stranger. Grow together. Live life as one.
While I thinks it’s wonderful to be able to go on periodic dates with my husband, I know that those dates can’t be the only times we connect.

It’s important to look for small ways to let him know he’s still the one I’d choose all over again.
i'd still choose yousource: ExLibrisJournals via Etsy

1. write him love letters
2. call him in the middle of the day just to tell him you love him
3. leave his favorite snack on the front seat of his car
4. next time you get out of the shower, write “I love you” in the foggy mirror (after he takes a shower it will show up again)
5. read through The Five Love Languages together to find out what speaks to your husband’s heart
6. get out of your sweats even if he’s the only adult you’ll see all day
7. listen when he talks (actually put down what you’re doing and look at him)
8. meet him at the door with a smile not a list of what went wrong all day
9. praise him in public
10. pray for him (and with him)
11. hold his hand
I want to love you every single daysource: Poppies at Play via Kidlet Occupation on Pinterest
12. make his favorite meals
13. pull the nighties out of the back of the closet ( he probably won’t even notice if they fit a bit tighter than they used to)
14. catch him at least once a day for a real kiss (longer than 5 seconds)
15. listen to his dreams or better yet have your own dreamstorming session
16. don’t expect him to do your job
17. go to bed at the same time
18. receive his compliments with gratitude (no disagreeing when he says you’re beautiful)
19. thank him for the little things
20. let him sleep in
21. forgive quickly and don’t give the silent treatment
22. dance together (in front of the kids is great, too)
23. be interested and get involved in his hobbies (but don’t take over)
24. make a choice to not let his habits irritate you (I know if he was gone, I’d miss picking up his socks every day)
25. sit next to him or on his lap
For even more great ideas check out my Loving Your Husband board on Pinterest.

Today's Questions: What is one simple way you let your husband know he is still the love of your life? What ideas from the list above would you like to try?

Please visit my fellow Tri-Moms, Kristin @ Bits & Pieces from my Life and Christy @ A Living Homeschool for more on romancing your husband.

There's also still time to enter the great giveaways from last week’s Share the Love event:

Up next:
March 6: Celebrating Spring
Coming Soon:
March 20:  Gardening with Kids
April 3: Celebrating the Meaning of Easter
April 17: Spring Cleaning
May 1: Reflecting on the Past School Year
May 15: Summer Learning Plans

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  1. I love what you said about picking up the socks. When we had a chair in our bedroom at the townhouse, Brian's clothes liked to live there and it used to annoy me until I decided not to let it bother me anymore. I would hang them up for him if I got the chance, but it I was too busy, I just didn't say anything. Helped my attitude and was a blessing to him not to have me nagging.

    Love your list!

  2. I am loving your list :-) I used to write him love letters all the time, but now its just for special occasions I need to get back to that. I love this one, pull the nighty out the back of the closet, that is me for sure, I need to bring them back out :-)


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Tim, Allyson and kids