Tri-Moms: Frugal Date Ideas

If you find yourself living within a very tight budget or simply want to use your money in other areas without giving up an occasional date with your spouse, these ideas may be perfect for you.

Over the past couple of years, Tim and I have finally been able to actually have a Date category in our budget. However, we do not spend extravagantly when it comes to dates. In fact, our monthly budget for dates is only $10. 

We plan at least one date night each month, though we don't always use our allotted date night money. In fact, many times our dates are completely free. 

We keep our date night (or date afternoon) costs down in three ways.

1. We look for activities that cost no money. A walk in the park or a movie at home can be completely free. Of course my husband jokes that I'm a cheap date...let me stroll through Hobby Lobby and I'm completely golden.

2. We purchase vouchers at reduced prices. Admittedly, this worked much better when we lived near a larger city, but even more rural areas are beginning to offer Groupon like websites where you can purchase vouchers at around 50% off or even better. We've easily purchased $20 restaurant vouchers for only $10. We've also frequently found half off at local ice cream shops. Movie tickets can also be purchased for reduced prices when a good deal comes up.

3. We ask for gift cards. We usually receive at least one or two date appropriate gift cards each Christmas and usually one more for our anniversary. Just this past week we used a gift card to the movies to pay for a movie date. We also have a restaurant gift card that we received for our birthdays. When we use it we'll eat a snack at home before we go and probably share a meal so that the gift card will last for 2 or 3 dates. (We make sure we still tip well, even though our meal is on the cheap side.)

We've found that when you focus your dates around time spent together and not necessarily an event or specific experience, it's much easier to have fun, meaningful, and frugal dates.

For even more great ideas check out my Loving Your Husband board on Pinterest.

Today's Questions: What do you do to save money on dates? What are your favorite inexpensive date ideas?

Please visit my fellow Tri-Moms, Kristin @ Bits & Pieces from my Life and Christy @ A Living Homeschool for more frugal date ideas.

Be sure to join us next week for our Share the Love Giveaway Week!

A Heart for Home

Up next: February 21: Romancing Your Husband

Coming Soon:
March 6: Celebrating Spring 

March 20:  Gardening with Kids
April 3: Celebrating the Meaning of Easter
April 17: Spring Cleaning
May 1: Reflecting on the Past School Year
May 15: Summer Learning Plans

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Tim, Allyson and kids