Weekend Links

May all your wanderings be blessed!

::  The 5 Grossest Things You’re Eating (grain products, shrimp, salad dressing, jelly beans, and canned mushrooms) @ Yahoo! Health

:: Homemade All Natural Laundry Stain Remover @ Simple Organic

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:: I love this pantry. I think an inexpensive version could be made by salvaging the wasted space between wall studs.
hallway pantry
source: via Andrea Dekker on Pinterest

:: I love easy chicken marinades. We really like this Asian marinade.
3 easy chicken marinades
source: Life as Mom via me on Pinterest

:: We’ll be adding this shape journaling to our shape activities drawer
teaching shapes
source: Kindergarten…Kindergarten via Amy Schol Ward on Pinterest
linking up at Simply Staci's Saturday Stumbles
Today's Question: What good reads or great ideas have you come across this week? Please share a link in your comment.
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  1. Love the shape journal also, this will be so wonderful for my 5 year old and my homeschool coop class.

  2. Yuck! So glad I don't any of those "foods" on the gross list.

    I have been trying to figure out how to get stains out now that Peter is getting food stains all over his clothes. Perfect timing, thank you!!


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Tim, Allyson and kids