Gardening With Kids {Tri-Moms}

watering planted seeds

Four years ago, my mom suggested to my husband that he should plant a garden. We had just moved to a house with a good chunk of land and my husband was eager to try his hand at growing our own food. My dad is an avid gardener so he came out to our house almost every Saturday during the spring to drop off some new seedlings or compost. That was the first year I tried to incorporate my crafting genes with my husbands gardening genes by making seed started pots out of newspaper.

Now, four years and two moves later, my husband is still gardening. He absolutely loves it! Of course, there are a few complications now that we’re living in a town house, but he’s found creative solutions to still make gardening work for us

Our biggest garden plot this year is in the field behind the church we attend. My dad started tiling up garden plots a few years ago for anyone who wanted them and we are so thankful for the space to grow our own organic produce.
Our three oldest children love “playing” in the garden. Last week, we planted carrots, green onions, snow peas, and a few flowers for Emahry.

To make planting easier for the kids, Tim poked a hole for each seed and the kids followed behind dropping one seed into each hole. Then Tim went back through and gently covered the seeds.

With little ones it also works really well to give them each a small shovel and their own little bit of dirt to dig in.

For plants that need to be started indoors, why not let the little ones help you make seed starter pots out of toilet paper tubes? Older children can even help make some wonderful origami fold newspaper pots.toilet paper tube seed starter pots

newspaper pot
Once the plants are a little bigger, our kids love to help weed. We like to give them each a small bucket and them tell them to see if they can fill the whole thing with weeds. Just make sure you show them which green things are weeds and which are plants!
While you’re with your kids in the garden, use that time to explain why you’re gardening and what you’re doing. It’s amazing how much our children have picked up about gardening from these little conversations. Just the other day Emahry discovered a ladybug while playing outside and said she needed to put it in the garden so it could eat the bad bugs.

When we get further along in the growing season, our children love to help harvest from the garden. We give them each a bowl or bucket and walk along the rows together trying to spot anything that’s ready for picking (or eating straight from the plant).

Need some ideas to get gardening together? Check out these wonderful books.
A Garden Alphabet
Sunflower Houses
Roots, Shoots, Buckets, and Boots
Gardening with Children
Kids’ Container Gardening
From Seed to Plant
The Vegetables We Eat
The Backyard Homestead
The Vegetable Gardener’s Bible
Other gardening posts: Saving Some Green in the Garden (frugal gardening)
Seed Starter Pots from Empty Toilet Paper Rolls
Sturdy Recycled Newspaper Pots
Be sure to check back next week when we’ll share a guest post about teaching kids to conserve water in the garden.
For even more great ideas check out my Backyard Homestead and Garden & Yard Ideas boards on Pinterest.

Today's Questions: Does your family plant a garden? How do you get your kids involved?

Please visit my fellow Tri-Moms, Kristin @ Bits & Pieces from my Life and Christy @ A Living Homeschool for more ideas on gardening with kids.

Up next: April 3: Celebrating the Meaning of Easter
Coming Soon:
April 17: Spring Cleaning
May 1: Reflecting on the Past School Year
May 15: Summer Learning Plans

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1 comment:

  1. We love to garden, we already did our flowers in the fall and they are popping up now. We will be tilling out garden next week, the kids plant potatoes for 4H, and we plant about 10 other veggies, I am loving the way you make those pots, I am going to have the kids try that.


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Tim, Allyson and kids