Weekly Goals

I’m loving my new weekly goals pages in my home management binder. How do you keep track of your goals?

Last Week's Goals
1. spend time in God's word at least 6 days (Mark 7-12) Ugh! I got behind early on. I did read through Chapter 11, but I was only able to journal for chapters 7 and 8, so I’m starting with Chapter 9 again this week.

2. complete Chapter 4 days 4 & 5 of
Lies Women Believe workbook

pray specifically for my husband and each of our children daily

4. write a love note to Tim I did write a short one on our new I Love You Because frame, but I want to actually get one on paper this week.

5. continue to focus on using the red light to get up from naps Total fail!

6. read more about teaching sight words and get 3 activities/tools ready for next week

7. take the time to let the kids help with cooking and laundry

8. complete Funnix Reading Lessons 18-20 and Math Lessons 18-20 We got behind by a couple days because our computer decided to stop playing sound momentarily. It’s working now, so we’ll get caught up this week.

9. have Bible time after breakfast each morning Tuesday-Friday

10. mail postcards I didn’t send last week

11. get dressed each morning

12. do 3 days of
The 30 Day Shred Only 2 days…again.

13. write in my
10 Year Journal every day I missed one day, but I was able to fill it in from memory.

14. dye my “new” shirt
and Emahry’s khakis Emahry’s pants look amazing, but there was a little accident in dyeing my shirt. I’m trying to redo it this week.

Home Management
15. follow and check off my to do list every day

16. clean the downstairs on Friday and the upstairs on Saturday

17. plan meals for the week

18. continue to focus my time online and allow my computer time to benefit my life

This Weeks Goals
1. spend time in God's word at least 6 days (Mark 9-14)

2. complete Chapter 5 days 1-3 of
Lies Women Believe workbook

pray specifically for my husband and each of our children daily

4. write a love note to Tim

5. get back to using the red light to get up in the morning and after naps

take the time to let the kids help with cooking and laundry
7. complete Funnix Reading Lessons 20-22 and Math Lessons 19-22
8. have Bible time after breakfast each morning Tuesday-Friday

9. write and mail a letter to a friend in Tennessee

10. get dressed each morning

11. do 3 days of
The 30 Day Shred

12. write in my
10 Year Journal every day

13. re-dye my “new” shirt

Home Management
14. follow and check off my to do list every day

15. clean the downstairs on Friday and the upstairs on Saturday

16. plan meals for the week
Already done!
17. peel, cut, and freeze all the extra bananas from the free box we were given yesterday

18. continue to focus my time online and allow my computer time to benefit my life
Today's Question: What three things would you most like to accomplish this week?
Visit Money Saving Mom for more weekly goal setting encouragement.

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  1. Nice blog. You might like this poem about mothers. http://caroleschatter.blogspot.co.nz/2011/12/random-quotation-spot.html

  2. Great goals! I have been doing something like this myself, but I do it daily. One positive Change a Day. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I read Lies Women Believe last year and co-led a study of it - so many challenging things to work through in that book!

  4. 3 things?

    I jotted a few things down last night in anticipation of the week ahead:

    1) File all the loose papers that had accumulated on top of the file cabinet...check! I did that today and even cleaned out a few file folders,

    2) Go through the girls' closet and pull out the things they've outgrown so I can take them to my mom's house when we sort through spring/summer clothes this week...(It's a little early, but we're going to a consignment sale next week.)

    3) Organize the (too many) blog ideas I've stored in my blog dashboard.


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Tim, Allyson and kids