Homemade Vegetable Broth from Veggie Scraps {Finished Friday} come link up your projects, too!

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Last summer when we reevaluated our grocery budget, we found that a sizable chunk of money was going towards all natural vegetable broth every month. We decided to start making our own broth and have been making it this way ever since.

veggie broth

This week I took some time to make another large batch of veggie broth to restock the freezer.

This is what my cutting board looks like after making our very simple lunches.

homemade vegetable broth

Instead of putting those scraps directly in the compost bin, I place them into a container in the freezer, adding to my scraps everyday until the container is full.

I typically collect carrot peels, celery leaves, apple and pear cores, onion ends and skins, and sweet potato peels.

homemade vegetable broth2

Then I simply dump all of the veggie (and apple and pear) scraps into a large pot, cover with twice as much water, and add a little parsley.

homemade vegetable broth3

Next I cover the pot and bring it to a boil. Once it reaches a boil I lower the heat and let it simmer away for 30 minutes or so. All of this happens with the cover on.

Then I simply turn off the burner and let the vegetable broth cool covered on the stove.

Once it cools, I strain out the veggie scraps and store the vegetable broth in jars. I usually place a few in the fridge to use within the week and put some (with at least an inch of head space between the liquid and the lid) into the freezer.

homemade vegetable broth4

So instead of buying all natural vegetable broth at the grocery store I’m now making it out of scraps that would have been composted. And all those used veggie scraps can still be thrown into the compost pile after making our family delicious veggie broth.

*Since this veggie broth has no added salt, you may have to adjust recipes accordingly.

Today's Questions: In what ways are you able to feed your family healthy food for less?

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A Heart for Home

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1 comment:

  1. I do the same thing with my scraps, except i use my crockpot. Sometimes the scraps go in with some chicken thighs in water so we can have some delicious chicken stock to use during the week. :)


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Tim, Allyson and kids