Summer Learning Plans {TIPsters}

Make sure you visit Kristin & Christy for their thoughts on today’s topic, as well as our guest TIPster, Jenna @ Delighting in Today.
We worked out some kinks during our first year of homeschooling and we’re looking forward to homeschooling for kindergarten in the fall. But just because it’s summer, it doesn’t mean we’re going to put learning on hold!
10 Ideas for Summer Learning
Here are our Top Ten suggestions for summer learning:
1. Read, read, read. Whether your child is 2 or 12, we’d suggest to read to them daily. Even kids who are more than capable of reading to themselves can learn a lot from being read to. (When I taught 5th grade, I didn’t meet a single child who didn’t like being read to, as long as the topic was interesting to them.)
2. Get your kids involved around the house. Summer can be the perfect time to teach your kids some real life, home-ec. skills. Get them involved with cleaning, laundry, or preparing meals
3. Do a nature study. Our family has decided to do a plant and garden nature study since we spend a lot of time in the garden during this time of year. This relaxed study or observation and reading is a great way to keep kids learning.
4. Learn a new skill together. Use your time together this summer to learn a skill your child is interested in whether it’s archery or baking. Build wonderful memories by learning together.
5. Focus on a few skills you want your child to master. I really want Emahry (5) to learn how to tie her shoes and to learn her phone number and address this summer. My goal for Jonathan (3) is to learn all the letters of the alphabet and how to get his shoes on the right feet. Obviously these goals will be unique to each child.
6. Continue (or start) making the Bible a priority. With a little bit of a breather from the traditional subjects, the summer is the perfect time to up your focus on the Bible. Our family is using The Jesus Storybook Bible and the What’s in the Bible? DVDs (and LOVE them both).
7. Use trips as learning experiences. Whether you’re traveling cross-country or simply going to the beach, make the most of every opportunity to show your children how all of life is learning.
8. Take advantage of free summer programs. Most areas have at least a few free summer programs sponsored by the local public library or the 4-H extension office. Take advantage of these for free learning.
9. Partner with other families to spice up learning. No one ever said you have to be your child’s only teacher. Get together with a couple other families and choose topics to share. Then prepare and meet together once a month during the summer.
10. Encourage your child to work on an interest led study. Maybe they want to learn more about constellations, Abraham Lincoln, or how a telephone works. Whatever it is, help them make goals and construct a plan of how to learn about it.
linking to Top Ten Tuesday
Today's Question: How do you plan on encouraging learning this summer?
A Heart for Home
Please visit my fellow TIPsters, Kristin @ Bits & Pieces from my Life and Christy @ A Living Homeschool, and our guest TIPster, Jenna @ Delighting in Today for more tools, tips, and tricks of the trade.
Coming Soon:
June 5th: Feeding Picky Eaters
June 19: Television Viewing (What & How Often)
July 3: Quick and Easy Summer Meals
July 17: Taking Family Photos
August 7: Schooling Kids of Different Ages
August 21: Teaching Kids to Read
(Remember if you'd like to guest host an upcoming TIPster post, just let me know.)

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  1. I am looking for a bible to use daily with my 21 month old. Is the Jesus Storybook bible one you would recommend? We are Catholic.

  2. Oh, I forgot to tell you that I linked up from your fellow post on Top Ten Tues :)(i always like to say how I find a site as I know it helps me too!)

  3. Fun leanring ideas for summertime (or anytime)! We like to use the summertime to learn a few new skills and focus on some individual learning projects, too.

  4. great learning ideas! I love interest led learning in the summer. perfect for trips to the library and hot summer afternoons in the shade!

  5. @Michy, I think The Jesus Storybook Bible would be too long for most 21 month olds, but he or she could definitely grow into it. Please, check you email for a longer response. Also, my friend Kristin recommends this Bible storybook for toddlers.

  6. We homeschool year-round, but our summer program incorporates many of the suggestion on your list. :) Thanks for the great ideas!


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Tim, Allyson and kids