Homemade Whole Wheat Cheese Crackers {Finished Friday} come link up your projects, too!

link up your finished projects at the bottom of this post

Whew! This week has flown by at an incredible pace. We've been busy little bees out in the garden getting our spring crops cleared out to make way for even more plants. I'm actually a little scared to see how much canning we'll have to do this year.

We've also been trying to prepare for baby chicks and chickens that are scheduled to be picked up today!

I also have been listening to a radio series on the importance of memorizing scripture and have felt very convicted to begin purposefully memorizing more scripture, both for myself and with the kiddos. I'm loving this idea I pinned from Simply Charlotte Mason.

On top of all that, we've been discussing homeschooling philosophies and goals for next year, which right now, seems completely overwhelming. We're leaning towards an eclectic mix of Charlotte Mason, unit studies and unschooling. To my former public school teacher mind seems really scary, any thoughts?

But, somehow, in the middle of all of the mental fatigue I was able to find a few minutes to bake some crackers with the kids. These are not just any crackers, but homemade cheese crackers. They were really yummy, or "nummy" as my two-year-old says.

We followed this recipe but substituted white whole wheat flour.

Next time I would definitely try to roll these out thinner, since our crackers more closely resembled little pillows. But, little, flaky, cheesy pillows really aren't that bad, trust me.

Today's Questions: What activities are you involved in right now? How are you able to make time to slow down and enjoy your family?
I'm trying to hold myself accountable to finish some of the projects on my to do list by posting each Friday about a project I've completed.
Would you like to join in? Link up to your own projects below.

Link to your project post, not your blog's home page, so we can find it easily.
2. Let us know what project you are sharing in your title, for example: Spring Wreath
3. We'd love it if your post links back here so that your readers can come join the fun. Feel free to copy & paste our Finished Friday Button into your post. (Just copy the text in the box below the button, click on the "Edit HTML" tab for your post and paste it there.)

A Heart for Home

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  1. Those crackers look yummy. I can't wait to try them and I repinned it! Thanks!

  2. pinning this too! homemade crackers have been on my to do list way too long... :-)

  3. You know, even without a public school teacher background, it is scary to school this way. It's not that it is a weird way. In fact, it probably makes more sense and follows more closely how we learn in "real life." However, it is not the way our culture thinks of children learning. It is easier to prove progress when we follow a strict pattern and evaluate with tests, but it is freeing as homeschoolers to break the mold and do what works! It's still scary to me after 5 years of homeschooling, but when I see how much my children love to learn, I know we're making the right choices. (If the names of all the philosophies are scary, don't name them at all. Just learn for the sake of learning in whatever method you enjoy!)

  4. I'm a new linky blog follower from the Six Sisters blog hop. I would love if you followed me back at http://iheartpears.blogspot.com

  5. These crackers look so easy to make. Thankk you. We are so glad you joined our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday". We love to see all of the great recipes and ideas!! Thanks and we hope to see you again next week! -The Sisters


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Tim, Allyson and kids