Don't Expect Too Little: A Lesson from Hiking with Little Ones

I think, as parents, we often underestimate what our young children are capable of. The photo above was taken about 3/4 of the way through a moderate 3 mile hike where Emahry and Jonathan walked the entire time. 

To be honest, I thought we'd end up having to carry Jonathan half way through, but on he trudged, even running much of the way! Overall, I think he did much better than his very pregnant mama.

Not only was this experience lots of fun for the whole family, but it showed me once again that sometimes I set expectations for my children that are way too low. Yes, they are all under five, but even very young children can do quite a bit all by themselves. 

Now, I'm looking for other ways to encourage them to develop a healthy sense of independence and accomplishment. 
What are some ways you can raise your expectation for your own children?
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1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! Yes, it is amazing what they can do!


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Tim, Allyson and kids