Good Reads ~ July 23rd

May all your wanderings be blessed!

photo credit: Filth Wizardy
:: I really need to get one of these Shower Curtain Play Mats outlined before we move. I think it would be the perfect thing to help keep the kids occupied and happy while we unpack or for when our newest addition arrives.

:: I really appreciated Natalie's insight on Scripture Memory with Toddlers @Passionate Homemaking. She has many great tips including explaining why we memorize scripture in the first place.

photo credit: Heavenly Homemakers
:: I can't wait to try Laura's recipe for Homemade Pudding Pops! I think I may have to take a packing break and spend some time in the kitchen making these little guys. Then of course, the recipe makes 15 so I'll have to find someone to take most of them out of my house before I eat them all!

:: I also loved reading Kristin's post on their Family Devotions. While our family does choose to worship with others in a church building, Sunday morning setting we also love the idea of family devotions and hope to incorporate them more regularly over the next few months.

Linked to Saturday Stumbles @Simply Staci.
Have you come across any "good reads" this week? We'd love for you to link to them in the comments section.
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  1. Great links! I love the idea of shower curtain play mat. So creative!

  2. Oh those pudding pops look divine...especially in this heat wave! Thanks for linking up!

  3. I really enjoyed reading your posts while stopping by. I am trying my hand at blogging and looking around for tips and ideas. Best wishes to you and your family.


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Tim, Allyson and kids