Amelia's Birth Story: Part 3

(Catch up with Part 1 and Part 2.)

"I Don't Think I Should Go Grocery Shopping"

After spending an entire day and night with cramps after having my membranes stripped I awoke on Thursday morning with even stronger cramps. At this point I was really hoping I'd be going into labor soon as these cramps were of the "stay in bed all day with a heating pad" variety.

Thankfully, even through the painful cramping I was able to play a little with the kids and get a few things done around the house. Tim was also off of work and was a huge help in getting some chores completed.

At 9:30 AM, Tim and I decided that it would be good for me to go to the grocery store to pick up a few things we were running low on as well as some canned food and extra batteries just in case Hurricane Irene put us without power for several days.

While I made a grocery list and prepared to leave I began having mild contractions. While they weren't regular and were still very manageable I decided that it was probably not the best time for me to be driving myself to the grocery store.

At 10 o'clock I called downstairs to Tim and told him that I didn't think I should go. He asked if I wanted him to go and I told him that no, we better just go ahead and get the kids ready to go to my parents' house and start thinking about heading to the birthing center.

Tim was a little surprised that I was already suggesting leaving since he knew I would rather labor at home for a little while. He quickly flew into action and had the kids packed up and loaded within about 15 minutes. Then he left to take them to my mom while I labored quietly at home.

Keep reading. Here's Part 4. may also want to read Emahry's, Jonathan's, and Eliya's birth stories. They are all so different, proving that each pregnancy, labor and delivery is completely unique...just like each child.
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  1. When I publish my birth stories on my blog, I also spread them out over several days. BUT I can do that easily because I know the ending. This story is killing me! :-) I am in suspense!!!

  2. Ack, I hate waiting...for both the story, AND waiting for baby with "days" of labor. Can't wait to read part 4!

  3. Kristin,
    I know I'm always in suspense reading your birth stories.

    We are praying for you and your family. We hope that you will see blessings from God's hand in this difficult time.


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Tim, Allyson and kids