Amelia's Birth Story: Part 4

(If you missed the previous portions, you can catch up by reading Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.)

As Tim shuttled our three little ones to my parents' house, I labored quietly at home. I turned off the lights and turned on a new CD called Hidden In My Heart: A Lullaby Journey Through Scripture

At our last appointment, Amelia had been "sunny side up" with her spine lined up with mine. From Emahry's birth I knew how difficult and painful it could be to deliver a baby in this position. I now also knew that leaning forward could help the baby rotate on her own and I was determined to do everything I could to help her get into the correct position. So, as the music played I stood behind the couch leaning forward until my arms comfortably rested on the back of the couch and my upper and lower body formed a 45 degree angle.

When Tim arrived back home about 30 minutes later, my contractions still were not regular, but were any where from 4 to 7 minutes apart. Even with their irregularity, I felt as though I was truly in active labor. It was now about 11 o'clock and even though I was able to get through the contractions easily on my own I was no longer able to do anything else once a contraction hit.

Tim proceeded to call the midwives' office and tell them that we were getting ready to leave and would be at the birthing center around noon. 

After getting a few more things together, we got into the van and began the 50 minute drive to the hospital.

Almost's Part 5.
...while you're waiting you may want to read Emahry's, Jonathan's, and Eliya's birth stories. They are all so different, proving that each pregnancy, labor and delivery is completely unique...just like each child.
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Tim, Allyson and kids