Finished Friday: Magnetic Dress Up Dolls

I'm trying to hold myself accountable to finish some of the projects on my to do list by posting each Friday about a project I've completed. For the most part these projects aren't part of my daily or weekly household chores, although some weeks finishing those items is a challenge all in its own.
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I pinned these adorable printable paper dolls to my Kids Play Pinterest Board and few weeks ago. While I loved the vintage look of these dolls I didn't think that Emahry at 4 years old was ready to manipulate the little tabs on the clothing without a lot of help.

To make these dolls more user friendly I decided to print them on magnetic paperand simply cut all of the tabs off of the clothing.

You can purchase printable magnetic paper at craft stores, office supply stores, Walmart, and even Amazon.

I printed the dolls and clothing from the redistributed pages on the Ginghams Visit Grandma page. For some reason I had to print at 40% in order for the pages to print correctly (I'm not sure if that's just the printer I used or the website).

So far, I've printed and cut out the four dolls and the following two pages of dresses.

photo credit

For the most part the dresses can work with any of the dolls, even though each colored tab is made specifically for one doll. I'll be printing a couple more pages of dresses soon to give Emahry some more options.

Emahry loves her new magnetic dress up dolls! We've used them on the fridge and have them stored in this small metal cookie tin. The tin makes them very portable and also doubles as a dress up closet when on the go.


Now I'm looking for some boy paper dolls to make Jonathan some magnetic dress up dolls. These might be just perfect.

What things have you crossed off of your list recently?
Linking up to Finer Thing Friday and Frugal Friday
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  1. This is such a fantastic idea! My granddaughter will be getting some of these for Christmas! Thanks for the idea and posting the site for the dolls!
    Take care and God bless!

  2. Oh my goodness! Kristin used to have a book about the Ginghams when she was a very little girl...The Backward Picnic. Somewhere along the line, I found a box of paper dolls that went along with the book, but I have no idea where those paper dolls are now. I'm off to print these...

    (Thanks for sharing!)

  3. I was just about to comment about my Gingham's book, too. In fact, I still have that book and Maddie loves it! Maybe I can let you borrow it so Emahry can read it and meet the Gingham's, too!

  4. I have had those printables bookmarked for awhile now but wasn't sure if my daughter was old enough yet, either. I LOVE this idea and will definitely be doing it! Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. Brilliant! I wonder if these could be sent in my Compassion kids' letters? That would be a great gift, too!


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Tim, Allyson and kids