Good Reads ~ September 24th

May all your wanderings be blessed!

:: I really needed this reminder this past week: The Ripple Effect of One Grumpy Woman.

:: I love these ideas for Simply Toddler Learning Activities. Stephanie even included a free pdf document with all the materials and activities spelled out!

:: I got a little chuckle from this list of 7 Benefits of Breastfeeding.

Some of This Week's Favorite Pins:
(are you following us on Pinterest?)

:: DIY Recycled CD Cover Frames. Too bad I just got rid of a stack of these.
photo credit
:: This Colander Lamp. Here's a DIY version.
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:: This quote.
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:: This DIY Crayon Glue Stick. This is such a great way to recycle old crayons and give then new life.
photo credit
Linking up to Simply Staci's Saturday Stumbles
Have you come across any good reads this week? We'd love for you to leave a link in our comments section.
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1 comment:

  1. Ooh, I saw that crayon chapstick tube and thought it looked so fun!! Thanks for linking up!


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Tim, Allyson and kids