Finished Friday: DIY Laundry Room Sign

I'm trying to hold myself accountable to finish some of the projects on my to do list by posting each Friday about a project I've completed. For the most part these projects aren't part of my daily or weekly household chores, although some weeks finishing those items is a challenge all in its own.
Last night, I started and finished another Christmas gift.

When I showed Tim this sign on Pinterest, he said, "You have to make one of those for my sister."

I'm always ready for some crafting, so I quickly agreed. It also helped that I already had a canvas and paints in my craft stash, so this project was basically free (well, I did buy them at some point, but I didn't have to find room in the budget for them now.)

This sign will be for her to add to her laundry room. I simply applied 3 coats of blue acrylic craft paint with a foam brush then used a medium and thin tip black paint marker to write the words. I found the laundry basket in Microsoft's clip art and painted it at the bottom of the sign.

I like how crisp the paint markers make everything look.

What things have you crossed off of your list recently?
linking up to Frugal Friday

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Tim, Allyson and kids