Finished Friday: Family Photo

I'm trying to hold myself accountable to finish some of the projects on my to do list by posting each Friday about a project I've completed. For the most part these projects aren't part of my daily or weekly household chores, although some weeks finishing those items is a challenge all in its own.
This week has been packed full of getting loose ends tidied up around the house. Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of our many projects, like sorting through and reorganizing all of our stock of extra toiletries or sorting through the kids' shoes to see which shoes fit now and putting away what they've outgrown.

I do however have a picture of something I've been meaning to do for quite some time. I realized a couple weeks ago that we hadn't taken a picture of our whole family since Amelia was born. So here we all are. We took a field trip to a local pumpkin patch this week and my mom snapped this picture for us.

What things have you crossed off of your list recently?

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  1. Lovely picture!

    I'm also working through my girl's closet. So much stuff didn't fit anymore! It's a chore, but I know we'll all be happy when I'm done.

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. I miss Mr. Pepper's Pumkin Patch! And YOU! What a great picture (Eliya's face is great ;)


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Tim, Allyson and kids