Finished Friday: DIY No Sew T-Shirt Scarf

I'm trying to hold myself accountable to finish some of the projects on my to do list by posting each Friday about a project I've completed. For the most part these projects aren't part of my daily or weekly household chores, although some weeks finishing those items is a challenge all in its own.
Last week when I saw this scarf on Pinterest I immediately thought of a couple of t-shirts that would be perfect for this project. I picked the shirts out as I boxed up my summer clothes and set them aside for crafting.

A couple of days later, Emahry and I set to work to make a perfectly ruffly little scarf.

This shirt had stretched out weirdly (is that a word) when it had to accompany my very pregnant belly this past summer, but it was my little girl's favorite color so I knew it would work perfectly.

First we traced and cut out 6 circles (about 9").

Next, I cut each circle into a spiral (about 1 1/2" wide strips).

Then Emahry helped me stretch the strips  by pulling on each end.

Finally, I tied one of the strips into a knot around the other strips to keep everything together.

I'd say our 15 minutes of work were worth the effort.

Eliya even wanted in on the scarf wearing. She may be getting her own scarf soon.

I'll definitely be adding these scarfs to my handmade Christmas gift list.

I'm thinking bigger circles or cutting thinner spiral strips to make the scarf long enough for an adult. I also think I'll need more strips, probably between 8 and 10 to make it a little more full.
What do you think about Emahry's new scarf? Are you giving any handmade Christmas gifts this year? If so, have you finished them?
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1 comment:

  1. This is SO cute! I will definitely be making some - thank you for sharing!


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Tim, Allyson and kids