Monday Morning Encouragement

This morning I was working in the kitchen when Eliya entered saying, "pooie," and holding a dirty diaper liner. Gross, huh? (I've been cloth diapering for over 4 years so I've become a little desensitized.)

I racked my brain to think of how she got upstairs and into the diaper pail without me knowing. Then I walked into the living room to discover Amelia...completely undressed from the waist down...oh, how fun.

I hope your morning is going a little smoother. 

If not, just remember that you're not the only one dealing with a poopy situation :).

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  1. Oh my goodness! You have a little mommy blossoming.

  2. Vivid memories. You can only truly appreciate this post if it's happened to you!

    Praying the rest of your day goes more smoothly!

  3. What a stinker (literally ;) That's so sweet that she was trying to help Mommy though!

  4. Last Monday, I put Alaine down for a nap and she undressed herself from the waist down and then pooped all over her bed. After that she was a afraid to take a nap the rest of the week. (Made for a long week.) She napped today, though, so it looks like this week will be better. :-)


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Tim, Allyson and kids