Weekend Links ~ November 26th

May all your wanderings be blessed!

:: 10 Frugal Stocking Stuffers for Children by Emily @ Passionate Homemaking

:: 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life by Crystal @ Money Saving Mom
   (and I finished reading through her brand new book, pre-order now, it's wonderful!)

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:: This Bookshelf Storage Bin is so clever.
:: I also love this super easy Kids' Christmas craft.
:: I'm so excited to try and find a use for whey since we have some left over from when we made cream cheese.

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linking up at Simply Staci's Saturday Stumbles
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  1. What a great list of stocking stuffers! Thanks for linking up!

  2. The bookshelf bin is very clever! Love when things camouflage so you can't tell exactly what it is. My family started doing a weekly movie night this year, so I bought DVDs and gourmet popcorn for the kids stockings.


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Tim, Allyson and kids