A Home Story at the MercyINK Blog

Today I'm guest posting at the MercyINK blog. Lauren asked me if I'd share some of my thoughts for her Home Stories series. Here's a tiny piece of what I had to say...

To me, “home” describes the place where I feel loved and accepted. It’s a place of comfort and encouragement…a place I can be myself without fear or rejection. This is what I want to give my family as well. I’ve found that the feeling of home is much more important than the look of the physical house.

Visit MercyINK to read the rest of my thoughts...and please say "hi" to Lauren while you're there.

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  1. Thank you for sharing such a lovely thought, I agree. It's the people not the place.

    Be sure to come by my blog on Sunday for a Linky Party, Spread the word!


  2. Loved your interview, Allyson! I am a neat freak x 10, :-) It's hard for me to think when there is clutter, but I've had to relax my standards with kids.


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Tim, Allyson and kids