Children are a Blessing!

We've been parents for almost 16 months now, and while it's been more difficult than we expected it's also much more rewarding.

It's hard to believe that our second bundle of joy will be here in just about 6 weeks. Lots of things will be trial and error when Jonathan gets here, like tandem nursing and having 2 children in our bedroom at night. However, there are a couple things we know for sure. First, we know that children are a gift from God. Not only does He tell us (Psalm 127:3), but it's reinforced every time Emahry looks at us and says "Da-da" or "Ma-ma" & blows us kisses or when she hugs us tight around the neck and pats our back with her tiny hands. Second, we know that we can't possible be the parents we need to be without the grace, strength, & wisdom of our Father. I love the fact that we are promised again and again throughout scripture that God is our strength (Exodus 15:2, Nehemiah 8:10, Psalm 118:14, Isaiah 40:31, & Philippians 4:13 just to name a few). I'm glad I don't have to lean on my own strength as a mom, especially as a soon-to-be mom of two under 18 months old.


  1. She is just too cute! What a super face she is making in this picture!!!

  2. Hey there!Thanks for letting us know about this. I will try to stay in touch better thru this. Wow! She is so big & cute!! How is your pregnancy going? You will do wonderful with the 2 little ones, do not worry, remember we are promised that in Matthew. We found out we are having a little girl, due around New Years & all are excited! Caitlin just turned 2 & is such a bundle of go-go joy! Conner is in preschool & loves it! Cooper is in 2nd grade & likes it OK, he likes playing much better, but he is playing baseball & loves it! Calli loves her 4th grade teacher but is adjusting to having to rotate with 2 other teachers. She is playing soccer & does great & loves it too. Eric is doing amazing at preaching & we adore the family at our church! We are abundantly blessed in everything! Check out the website, & you should also be able to hear some sermons. Anyway, loved to hear from you & take care & can't wait to hear about Jonathan's arrival!
    Rachel & rest of clan


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Tim, Allyson and kids