I'm a Home Keeper

An idea came to me this morning as I was cleaning up from breakfast. I wonder who first used the term homemaker? I've always used the term to describe someone who stays home to take care of the house, children, etc.

As I carried dirty dishes into the kitchen, the thought dawned on me that that the term homemaker is a little deceptive. When I think of making something it implies to me a one time action, but taking care of a home and all that it entails is definitely not a one time deal. I think that is probably why Paul wrote in Titus 2:5, that the older women are to teach the younger women to be "keepers at home" (KJV) or "to be busy at home" (NIV).

I think it is very easy for stay-at-home moms to become frustrated with the constant chores and responsibilities of daily life. It is true that our job is never ending; no matter how many times you do laundry, more clothes will get dirty and no matter how many times you sweep the kitchen floor, little feet will track in dirt and little hands will spill the remainder of their afternoon snack. In the end, as long as you are doing the job it doesn't matter if you refer to yourself as a homemaker or home keeper. But somehow understanding my role as a home keeper makes the pile of dirty dishes on what was my clean kitchen counter seem a little more manageable.

So to all of you other home keepers out there, keep up the good work of being busy at home.

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