How God was Great in 2008

This year has been filled with many great & not-so-great experiences, but through it all God has been faithfully drawing us to Himself. He has been teaching us to rely on his strength instead of our own and has continued to show us how amazing his love truly is.

Here are a just a few of the numerous ways God has been great this year.

In February, we discovered that our house was completely uninsulated, causing us a $500+ electric bill. Through generous family and friends we were able to completely insulate our house within the month which drastically cut our expenses.

In June, Tim survived a very serious auto accident. Even though we are still trying to work things out with insurance, we are truly blessed that Tim is still with us.

In September, our son, Jonathan, was born 4 weeks early. Weighing in at only 4 lbs. & 14 oz. we were totally amazed by how healthy he was.

This year has definitely been a learning experience as we continue to trust God to provide. We are so thankful for all the ways he meets our needs!

For more Gratituesday posts visit Heavenly Homemakers.


  1. Wow! What a year y'all have had. God is so good! :) BTW, I was full term and 4 lbs when I was born, so he must have been just a tiny babe!

  2. You all have had quite a year! Thanks for sharing all that God has done for you this year! We are working toward insulating our house soon and I can't WAIT!!


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Tim, Allyson and kids