Some Bloggy Changes

I've recently reconfigured our html to include a horizontal navigation bar. That's computer talk for that line of links you see under our blog name.

I've moved quite a bit of the sidebar information to this navigation bar. There's also some new stuff, like the About Us page. Hopefully this will help keep our sidebars from getting ridiculouly long.

If you're interested in making one of these on your Blogger blog, let me know. If there's a good response, I'll try to get a tutorial together.

Hey, it works for me!

Please, check out the new navigation bar and let us know what you think.


  1. I would love to know how to do that :)

  2. I've been wanting a horizontal bar, too. But my blog is wordpres...

  3. I could use a tutorial! Would love to have that on my blog, but don't know the first thing about configuring html, etc.

  4. Me too please! i just started my blog and my sidebar is already too long.



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Tim, Allyson and kids