Saying "No" To More So I Can Say "Yes" To Less

I've found that life as a wife, mom, and keeper of the home is all about priorities. Lately, I've been having to say "no" to a lot of good things so that I have time to say "yes" to the best things in life. My relationships with God, my husband, & our children are the most important things. However, it's so easy to be pulled in too many different directions.

The people pleaser and attention getter in me want to be involved in lots of activities so that I can feel needed and important. This is so ironic, because when I stop and think about it, the one place I am truly needed the most is in my home. As unglamorous as my job may be, I know that my children and yes, even my husband, would be totally lost if they woke up one day without me.

So, instead of trying to rush through my responsibilities at home so I can move on to something else, I'm recommiting to enjoy my job as the keeper of our home, knowing that this is where I have the ability to make the largest impact and to feel the most satisfaction.

Do you struggle with keeping your priorities in line? How do you keep focused on what's really important?


  1. I need to be reminded of this very often! Maybe I will print it and hang it on my wall LOL

  2. Hi Allyson,
    Just stumbled on your blog! Love how you spell your name!!!
    Yes, I struggle with this!


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Tim, Allyson and kids