Just Kids

I didn't know when we stopped by my parents house last week that we'd end up having so much fun with the kids across the street. No, not the human variety, but the four-legged, furry version with little horns.

My parents' neighbors have a miniature farmyard within city limits. Occupying this farm are chickens, dogs, llamas, a horse, and goats. When I say goats, I mean a lot of goats.

A few months ago a neighboring goat got into the neighbors fence and managed to get all three of the female goats pregnant! So now instead of 6 goats, my parents' neighbors have 15 goats! One goat had twins, one had triplets, and one had quadruplets. The poor neighbors had to deliver all 9 babies within a few days of each other. I don't think they slept all that week.

All the kids are now doing well. It's so much fun to watch them playing with eachother. Even so, Emahry wasn't content with watching, she wanted to play, too. Good thing she was still wearing her gardening clothes and I had remembered to put the camera in the van.

Emahry "snapping" her fingers and calling the goats.
Over & Under

"Look at the camera."

Hoping for a Nibble
Emahry wasn't scared at all, she just pushed the goat away :)

and one more, because they are just so cute.

The neighbors have offered to give us some of the goats when they've been weaned. If we had the fencing ready I'm sure we'd be taking a couple, but most likely we'll have to wait until next year to start our own "farmyard." (Well, unless we can find some free fencing ~ Any ideas?)

What type of pets do you have in your home? Would you ever want farm animals? Why or why not? We'd love to read your opinions and experiences.


  1. We have had several goats in the past and they are alot of fun to watch. We found though as they got older they began to butt the kids pretty hard. I miss them :)

  2. these pics are so cute!!! i love goats!!

  3. A couple of ideas for free fencing: Try Craigs List (craigslist.com) and look under free AND farm supplies. Sometimes the poster doesn't know about the "free" choice. Another good site it freecycle.com
    Most towns now have a freecycle link, or at least somewhere fairly close by. It is amazing what people just want to get rid of!
    Another idea-- we have a local AM radio station that has a call in "show" that connects sellers and buyers of stuff. A live classified, if you will. Many people call in looking for items, then if a listener has that item they call in a response. You might see if any of your local radio stations have something like that?
    Just a few ideas. I've used all three and had excellent success.

  4. I bet Emahry was so good with those kids :) I can't stop smiling about those adoarable pictures!!


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Tim, Allyson and kids