Sturdy Recycled Newspaper Pots

Many of our seedlings have now outgrown the seed starter trays and pots we made from empty toilet paper rolls. However, they still need to be hardened off. Also, though it's really warm compared to the snowy weather we had less than a month ago, the temperatures aren't consistently warm enough to transplant our seedlings to the garden yet.

To keep with the spirit of saving some green in the garden, we didn't want to have to purchase pots to transplant the seedlings into. We searched online and found that we could use newspaper to make pots by folding the paper origami style. We found a few different variations of this technique, but we ended up having to combine them a little in order for our pots to work. Here's our step-by-step process to make these sturdy recycled newspaper pots.

A frugal gardener is a happy gardener!
How are you saving money around the house this spring? We'd love to hear all of your ideas for being a little more frugal. Please, leave a comment so others can be inspired to live more simply on less income.
This post contributed to: Thrifty Green Thursday, Frugal Friday, The Garden Club & I am Blissfully Domestic.


  1. great idea! i wish we could start our own seeds indoors but we don't have good lighting--we probably need a grow light.

  2. I do the toilet paper see starters but haven't seen the newspaper. thanks for the link to that.

    Love your blog.


  3. Great Tips! I've linked to this post from tomorrow (friday).

  4. We're so glad you joined us this week for Thrifty Green Thursday. Your post is perfectly in line with our series on gardening too! I'm completely behind this year with planting but I'll be referring back to this post sometime soon. Thanks again!

  5. Great tip..thanks for sharing!


    I attempted to grow my own seedlings this year but failed lighting was awful. Good luck with yours!

  6. I think this tip is too ambitious for me this year, but it is such a great idea! Maybe next year I'll do this myself. Like Cathy, I don't really have the light to plant seedlings indoors (at least I don't think I do--I've never actually tried it).

    Thanks for joining us for Thrifty Green Thursday!

  7. I really enjoyed this article!

    Also I would like to ask you about the picture you used for the article. I would like to use it in an ad. I'm not sure how else to get into contact with you. If you could e-mail me that would be great! (



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Tim, Allyson and kids