Squeaky Clean

Trying to get them both to smile and look at the camera at the same time. "Mama, she's squeezing too hard."
"Are you sure you can see me in there?"
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  1. oh that was such a cute series!

    Happy WW!

    My WW!

  2. So precious! I love his little two teeth sticking up. Don't you just love how sweet newly bathed children are and how cuddly they can be?

  3. AW how cute! I love that little lion towel.

  4. totally adorable. I heart bath photos!

  5. They are both absolutely adorable!

  6. Allyson, they are beautiful! I love the bath-time curls on Emahry! My favourite cuddles are the rght out of the bath ones!

  7. Love it! Those towels are too cute! But the children are cuter! I see Jonathan's teeth are really poking through...still waiting on Benjamin's.


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Tim, Allyson and kids