Making Home: The Disciple-Making, World-Changing, Heart-Molding Role of Mother

Please, visit Jess at Making Home to read her entire post. It has really encouraged me to look on my role as a mom through the eyes of God. It's so easy to get sucked into the world's ideas of womanhood and motherhood. I'm so very glad that there are people who encourage me to view my life as a wife and mom as a joyous journey and not with a sense of drudgery.

Here's a section of Jess' post that outlines the unique and wonderful privileges of being a Christ-centered mom.


... have the opportunity to impact lives, day-in, day out-for 18+ years, more time than any professor or doctor or preacher or counselor will ever be able to have in the lives of the people they seek to impact.

... have the privilege to study and know their children so that they can train, counsel, and encourage them as they grow towards adulthood.

... are given the blessing and responsibility of connecting deeply and wonderfully with their children in ways that are virtually impossible with the world at large.

... have the opportunity to love and be loved in a way that is entirely distinct from any other sort of relationship.

... are able to change the world through a mastery of various fields and talents that they themselves do not possess, as they spur on and encourage their children to find their God-given place of service.

... are able to teach and train and sharpen and shape and guide and gear their children in ways that will forever alter human history.

... have the privilege of praying with intimate understanding for the hearts and lives of people from the very beginning of their existence.

... have a purposeful career designed by God Himself, with His assistance and leadership guaranteed throughout.

... have the unique experience of watching the man they love grow into a man who loves in ways that were unseen and unknown before he became a father.

... have a God-given life with sanctification built-in by the requirements of hard work, selflessness, disappointment, perseverance, patience, grace, self-control, and a continual seeking of wisdom from above.

... have the unique opportunity to work hand-in-hand with God Almighty and the husband He has given to mold future adults.

Lord, thank you so much for the wonderful gift of being a wife and a mother. Continue to mold me into the woman you desire, a woman who is striving to please you, leaning on your strength, seeking your wisdom, and drawing the hearts of those I love to you.

If you have any encouragement for Christian moms or have read anything that has challenged and encouraged you, I'd love to hear about it. Please, leave a comment with your insight or link. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you've seen it already, but I wrote recently about being still among the confusion of a houseful of kids! Really been pondering that in my own life lately.


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Tim, Allyson and kids