My First Bike

Do you remember your first real bike? I sure do. It probably helps that I was older when I first learned to ride a bike. My first bike was a used banana yellow, banana-seat bike which makes it pretty hard to forget. While I would love to have that bike now, at the time it was definitely not the in-style bike I longed for.

I specifically remember riding my banana nightmare on the street with my older brother, who by the way, rode so well that I was sure he had learned his skills in infancy. To keep me from jumping off into the grass when I started to wobble, by brother told me to think of the grass as fire and just stay on my bike.

To this day I love to ride a bike, in fact I'm currently trying to find a bike for myself so that I can get out and feel the wind in my face once more.

Emahry is very interested in riding a bike. We've entered the running bike giveaway at 5 Minutes for Mom in hopes of getting her a bike of her own. You can find more details about purchasing a running bike here.


  1. y3eah I remember my first bike as well. Be blessed to your family too. I added you in my list, by the way. Thanks!
    Be blessed!

  2. We have a bike for you!!! It is waiting here at the house if you would like it. It needs some repairs, but looks to be in great condition overall.
    Aaron doesn't remember telling you about the grass being on fire, but we both got a chuckle from your story!

  3. Sitting here laughing! My first bike was banana yellow with a banana seat, too! Mine also had white grips with yellow and white streamers.
    I learned to ride when I was 7. All of my friends had bikes, my older brother, too. I finally got my first (used) bike for my 8th birthday.
    I really related to this post! LOL Love the photo!


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Tim, Allyson and kids